Cum să obțineți cele mai recente cianogenici Mod 12.1 nightlies pe Yu Yuphoria
Yu Yuphoria este al doilea smartphone cu Yu filiala Micromax. Pricxed la aproximativ punctul de prețul 7K, E concurenții primare sunt Redmi 2, Lenovo a6000 și A6000 plus and the Honor series from...
View ArticleCum Pentru a Root Lenovo A328 (Metoda ușor)
Lenovo este unul dintre cele mai mari în prezent furnizori smartphone din lume. În 2014, Lenovo a achizitionat Motorola Mobility de la Google pentru a extinde rețeaua de pe piața de smartphone-uri de...
View ArticleCum Pentru a Root Nexus 5 Pe Android M și instalați TWRP de recuperare
Legătură 5 este una dintre cele mai populare smartphone-uri din lume, fără nici o îndoială. Dispozitivul este dotat cu specificațiile high-end si vine la un pret rezonabil. Unul din principalul motiv...
View ArticleViziunea pentru un Internet Android
Internetul obiectelor (IO) este gata de a deschide o lume de posibilități prin oameni de conectare, Dispozitive și orașe; yet the underlying technology and platforms which thread it all together is...
View ArticleXiaomi MI5 și Xiaomi MI5 Plus Specificatii, Preț scurgeri
Xiaomi MI5 a fost trebuia să fie smartphone cu cele mai puternice specificatiile, replete with features. Dar, așa cum se pare că compania a rezervat cel mai bun pentru fratele său Xiaomi MI5 Plus....
View ArticleCe trebuie sa stii despre Android M?
Google I / O 2015 a vazut lansarea Android M previzualizare. Android M was launched to counteract the memory issues with Lollipop and bring back the much needed stability to Android devices.Ce este în...
View ArticleAndroid M Previzualizare devine update major
De la lansarea sa mai, Android M Previzualizare a trecut la etapa de 2 de release- Android M Preview 2.Citit: Ce trebuie să știți despre Android M?Android M sertar App actualizatAnterior am împărtășit...
View ArticleCum să eliminăm Micromax Ninja A91 fără un computer și instala recuperare TWRP?
Micromax Ninja A91 este un telefon buget care ruleaza pe Mediatek cip și sport A 4.5 inch screen.In this post I will covering the steps that you should take to root the device and install custom TWRP...
View ArticleCum Pentru a Root Gionee Pioneer P2S Fără Computer?
Here’s a step by step tutorial on how you can root Gionee Pioneer P2S just using your smartphone.PerequisitesAsigurați-vă că telefonul este 70 la 80% încărcat. The battery shouldn’t die down during...
View ArticleRăspunsuri la întrebările cele mai frecvente legate de Android
În acest post, voi fi acoperă cel mai mult 5 most common questions that you may have if you have bought an Android phone for the first time. 1. În cazul în care sunt contactele meleCând cumpărați un...
View ArticleHow To Root Lenovo A328 (Easy Method)
Lenovo is the currently one of the largest smartphone vendors in the world. In 2014, Lenovo acquired Motorola Mobility from Google to expand its network into the western smartphone market. Lenovo is...
View ArticleHow To Root Nexus 5 On Android M And Install TWRP Recovery
Nexus 5 is one of the most popular smartphones in the world without any doubt. The device is packed with high-end specifications and comes at a reasonable price. One of the main reason people buy Nexus...
View ArticleXiaomi Mi5 and Xiaomi Mi5 Plus Specifications, Price Leaked
Xiaomi Mi5 was supposed to be the smartphone with the most powerful specs, replete with features. But as it turns out the company has reserved the best for its sibling Xiaomi Mi5 Plus. China’s...
View ArticleWhat should you know about Android M?
Google’s I/O 2015 saw the launch of Android M preview. Android M was launched to counteract the memory issues with Lollipop and bring back the much needed stability to Android devices. What’s in the...
View ArticleAndroid M Preview gets major update
Since its launch in May, Android M Preview has moved to the stage 2 of release— Android M Preview 2. Read: What you must know about Android M? Android M app drawer updated Previously we had shared that...
View ArticleHow to root Micromax Ninja A91 without a computer and install TWRP recovery?
Micromax Ninja A91 is a budget phone that runs on the Mediatek chip and sports a 4.5 inch screen. In this post I will covering the steps that you should take to root the device and install custom TWRP...
View ArticleHow To Root Gionee Pioneer P2S Without Computer?
Here’s a step by step tutorial on how you can root Gionee Pioneer P2S just using your smartphone. Perequisites Ensure that your handset is 70 to 80% charged. The battery shouldn’t die down during...
View ArticleAnswers to your most common Android related questions
In this post I will be covering the most 5 most common questions that you may have if you have bought an Android phone for the first time. 1. Where are my contacts When you purchase a new Android...
View ArticleList of the 5 Best wireless routers in January 2017- Reviews and Guide
A good wireless router makes all the difference between a good day and a bad day for me. If you aren’t looking forward to ripping out your hair in search for something that works then this guide is for...
View ArticleReview of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 SM-T 230/T230NU and rooting guide
The Samsung Galaxy Tab SM T 230 and T230NU don’t support cellular communication. In other words, no SIM card can be inserted. With the 7 inch TFT capacitive touchscreen, the display is buttery smooth...
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